Thursday, October 18, 2018

Justin's Thoughts

I created this blog with the intention of discussing several aspects of my current activities. I plan to use it to talk about some of the things I find most interesting.

One thing that I find enjoyable is food. Besides being somewhat of a daily necessity, I have discovered that it's a relaxing pastime to experiment with various menu items, from the mundane such as fried eggs, bacon, and hash browns; to more exotic foods such as a Mexican pastry called buñuelos. For that reason, I will devote a page and specific posts on my gastronomic creations.

I also enjoy the hobby of gardening. Although an urban-dweller, I have a large patio, and I have discovered that I seem to have something of a green thumb through propagating a number of plants that help me relax as I sit in my city garden. I have created a page where I'll share progress reports on some of my more successful creations; and I'll also discuss some of the less-successful attempts I have made. I'm also considering making these plants available for others, either through gifts or through the more mundane method of making them available commercially.

I am also a voracious reader. I always tell people that my favorite authors are Robert A. Heinlein, John D. MacDonald, and my favorite living author is Dean R. Koontz. Because I rely on public transportation, and reading what are called dead-tree (paper) books can be somewhat unwieldy, most of my reading these days is done on my vintage Samsung tablet. As I was converting my books for this electronic format, I discovered that most of the conversion software out there created really ugly-looking e-books, so I started playing with customizing my e-books to be more attractive. Out of this, I have now created a library of some 500-600 e-books with what I consider to be extremely attractive formats. I'll use this blog to share the results of this work; and, who knows, maybe some aspiring author will allow me to help them with their own e-book.

Now we get to the less entertaining thing I would like to talk about on this blog. More and more people are suddenly sitting up, scratching their heads, and asking, "Just what the heck is going on?" Taxes going up, national debts ballooning, services disappearing, and the police worldwide killing people willy-nilly makes even the least observant person to start to believe that this is not the way things should be. I consider myself to be at least partially awake to the dystopic political environment that seems to be enveloping the world around us--so, because we all have our opinions, I will devote a page to my thoughts on that subject.

So there's where I expect this blog to go. I hope that some of my interests coincide with the interests of other people as well. Now that I have something of an idea of what I want out of a blog, I guess it's time to get started.

Oh, and thanks for visiting. Please let me know what you think of my plans, and if you share some of the same interests, feel free to direct my attention your way as well.


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